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We have indicated two directions for digital transformation for companies: Business model sophistication = DI (digital integration) and business model transformation = DX (digital transformation). But now that sustainability is a business prerequisite, a simple digital transformation is not enough to survive unless it is an all-out transformation. How do they confront the issue of transformation head on and achieve it through destruction and creation? This is an imperative issue thrust before Japanese companies.

Our Essential

With DX being the core theme of corporate management, we quickly became aware that efforts toward DX are inconsistent with strategy theory, which is the foundation of management strategy. And so, we began pursuing a strong DX that is integrated with strategy theory.
Furthermore, our strength lies in the fact that we have a higher track record of tech-division- or company-wide DX support than individual DX measures. Our DX consulting, which takes both a management perspective and a thorough inspection of clients, brings dynamism to digital transformation.

Featured Cases

Mid/Long-Term Business Roadmap Formulation for the Smart City Domain

Drew up a picture of smart cities of the near future, based on technological advances, social issues, and future customer needs. Macro trend analysis was conducted to outline medium- to long-term business opportunities, focusing on the "circular economy" and "disaster prevention and mitigation" as promising areas. Then developed a business roadmap as an overall action plan, examining solutions that the client could provide in light of their affinity with existing businesses, etc.

Operational DX alliance with a Silicon Valley startup

Planned a bold business process innovation for a leading Japanese financial institution. Focused on an AI robot owned by a cutting-edge U.S. startup, and supported the project from technology due diligence to implementation. In the key alliance negotiations, a member of the team flied to Silicon Valley and led negotiations with a cutting-edge startup that had not yet entered the Japanese market with meticulously prepared negotiation tactics and negotiation cards.

Conducting DX fund management toward self-disruption

The company's concept is to "break out of its own business model and pioneer the market ahead of the rise of disruptors."Supported DX fund management to realize this strategic concept that contributes to resilience improvement. Recognized the signs of market disruption and made up-front investments in promising businesses. Promoted the creation of unprecedented businesses by increasing the value of portfolio companies to serve as a catalyst for self-disruptions.

Other Cases

Developing a digital healthcare platform

Developed business strategies such as digital pharmacy and medical data PF in response to explosive social demands associated with the COVID pandemic and promoted it.

Conducting agile transformation

Led "organizational redesign" centered on the digital department to transform into a highly agile organization adapted to the VUCA era.

Conducting data-driven marketing

Integrated customer data from multiple companies and build machine learning models and operations to enhance cross-selling.


Sharpening the Issues

The art of questioning assumptions and getting to the heart of the matter(Nikkei BP)

The key to a breakthrough in a stalled project lies in the “issue setting" of problem solving.
Although it is possible to set up some kind of “issue“, the initial point of contention may not always capture the essence of the problem.
That is why it is important to keep reviewing and "sharpening" the issues.
In this book, we will thoroughly explain the highly difficult process of "sharpening the issues" to find the issues that really need to be solved, along the five steps to do so.

January 6. 2024

SX Sustainability Management Practice

(Nikkei BP)

Sustainability management is rapidly increasing in importance, and if a company lags behind in SX (Sustainability Transformation), there is a high possibility that the survival of the company itself will be in jeopardy.
So how do companies actually proceed?
BayCurrent, which has supported SX in many Japanese companies, thoroughly explains specific theory for practicing sustainability management with corporate case studies.

October 27, 2022

Impressive CX

"10 new strategies" and "7 signposts" for Japanese companies (Toyo Keizai Inc.)

The core of CX (Customer Experience) is to continue to exceed customer expectations, and all companies should aim for CX that impresses their customers.
We looked at CX from various angles, such as consumer changes occurring in the modern digital society and discussions that cut from cutting-edge academic research.
In addition, it organizes "10 new strategies" and "7 signposts" for Japanese companies to realize Impressive CX, and is a must-read book for all business people.

August 26, 2022