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Human Resource Management

Recruiting activities

We have a basic policy of fair recruitment activities and provide job application opportunities regardless of race, nationality, gender, age, and other attributes.

In addition, we do not ask job candidates to provide information unrelated to their capabilities or aptitudes, such as domicile of origin and religion, in the resumes or CVs they submit and in job interviews.

Training and self-development

We have introduced the following training and self-development programs to ensure that our consultants can provide services to our clients as professionals.

Career support

We help our employees improve both their capabilities and personal qualities as true professionals, enabling them to become successful leaders.

At the same time, we understand the life plans and workstyles desired by individual employees and provide career counseling regularly to help them achieve ideal career development.

In addition, based on the idea that the projects consultants are in charge of are themselves important for their career development, we provide support for career development by setting up a team that helps them participate in projects that are consistent with their interests, aptitudes, and future visions, and by interviewing them at the end of each project and when they leave their positions.

Personnel assessment

Our personnel evaluation is based on the assumption that not all contributions made by a consultant show up in precise numbers or tangible outcomes. We evaluate our consultants from a comprehensive perspective, attaching importance to how they worked in the process of implementing each project, and at the same time, considering the initiatives they take outside each project.

Further, personnel evaluations are always made by multiple members so as to avoid biased results that may be caused by arbitrariness or the mistaken impressions of an evaluator. Feedback is given to those being evaluated, with importance attached to convincing them of the results and helping them achieve medium- to long-term personal and career development.